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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2020


Faster in what sense? Doesnt seem to me as if dark reader makes things any slower.

Doesn’t take nearly as long as you’d think if you start to slowly transition stuff to the new address.

Syncthing is absolutely amazing, but it doesn’t serve the same purpose as google drive, drive is more of a backup solution. syncthing is not that.

With your current setup if you get some ransomware that encrypts your files in any of your devices you’ll lose access to your files in all of them.

Syncthing is S tier software, but it’s explicitly not a backup solution.

I love the idea of osmand. But it’s not a substitute for maps at all ATM sadly. Im fairly confident that if I tried to use it to navigate somewhere in my city I’d die.

I’ll check immich tho.

Just checked it out. It’s self hosted stuff. Most of the suggestions I had up there were low barrier of entry and high privacy gains.

Self hosting is amazing. I have a server myself. But it’s not something worth suggesting to people just starting to degoogle.

Edit trying the map some more and might be worth an actual fair try. Thank you

Good painless alternatives:

  • Chrome -> Firefox

  • Gmail/Calendar> Proton

  • Google Search -> Feels like all search engines got SEO’d into uselessness these days, but duckduckgo maybe.

Good but somewhat painful to switch alternatives:

  • Google Drive -> Proton

  • Office -> LaTeX/LibreOffice

  • ChromeOS -> Linux, yeah technically ChromeOS is also linux but come on, you know what I mean.

Less than ideal alternatives:

  • Maps -> Idk, not really many good options, apple maps is good too, but not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.

  • Android -> Idk, lol iOS, or de-googled android roms. Not many great alternatives there.

Is there anything else you need an alternative to?