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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


There would actualy be no benefit of torturing him in secret, it doesnt act as a derrent for others in any way.

How? According to GDRP phone numbers is considered personal information, they dont have any right to use it to combat spam if the person asked for erasure.

Under GDPR you have the right to download the data they have about you, so google has a page where you can do that. That being said I doubt that is everything they track, I’m probably still getting fingerprinted and tracked by ip, but still thats a lot less info collected on me and most importantly that data is less valuable to sell.

Installed GrapheneOS and adjusted my google settings to track everything they can, then I checked to see how much data that got collected, it is almost nothing.

Google play services constantly send information to google, the only functional and degoogled rom Ive found is Grapheneos.