I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.

All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 27, 2023


I would refer to the recent FTC questions to “algorithmic pricing practices”. Long story short it was about some companies are using browser data, accounts data, etc. for “smart” pricing. Your brother may not care about someone watching him but I don’t think he wants to pay for the same goods more than others.

It is an interesting question… It seems to me I compared it and I chose Island. But I cannot remember why :D

UPD. I chose Island/Insular only because it is updated more frequently:

  • The latest release of Insular was at May 20, 2024 and frequency is ~ a release per two months
  • The latest release of Shelter (on F-Droid) was at Dec 12, 2023 and frequency is ~ a release per year

Island work without root. It is based on a “work profile” feature of android devvices. It is not a complete privacy, but at least it allows to separate google apps from other apps.


A nice way to understand how much your data costs

I’m starting to use more cash for daily spendings. The rise of surveillance pricing is terrible, better to hide qt least some of information from my bank.

Privacy is a spectrum, not dichotomy. It is enough, imo, to reduce the amount of usage of google/amazon services significantly instead of blocking it.

That is what I need! Unfortunately, it is for US only… Is there, maybe, something similar in European region?

Unfortunately there are a very small amount of places when I can pay with crypto… I do not want to face also questions from AML officers. I’m not a journalist in the dangerous country or political activist, so Monero looks like an overhead for me.

After reading such news I have an obvious question. Does anyone know a PayPal-like service, that allows to hide the destination of my transactions from Mastercard / bank, but with a good privacy policy? Or how else can I restrict the usage of my financial data by mastercard or bank?

It is based on files in org format. But it is not related anyhow to org-agenda and planning. It is an only obsidian-like note-raking system with web+mobile+desktop and some blogging capabilities (public/private notes, etc.)

OrgNote. The project is still quite raw but the developer works hard and the overall idea and philosophy behind the project is perfect for me. Fully compatible with emacs org-roam, most probably compatible with logseq. There is a “fully managed” free version with PGP support or an option for a self-hosted server.

Project: https://github.com/Artawower/orgnote Manifesto: https://github.com/Artawower/orgnote/wiki#manifesto

It is always a tradeoff. It could be cool to see some analytics of visits, but I’m not ready to go self hosted for that. My blog is just a hobby, not a work, no monetization, etc.

Automatic AI-powered screen lock for when your phone is snatched. Theft Detection Lock is a powerful new feature that uses Google AI to sense if someone snatches your phone from your hand and tries to run, bike or drive away.

Does it mean, that “Google AI” will running 24/7 in background, measuring how I use my phone, with an access to accelerometers data and location data?

That is absolutely crazy. I wish the strength to go through that for Alexey Pertsev!

Interesting, thanks! I didn’t think about it. But for a personal blog (without any kind of monetization) it is not an option, unfortunately, due to hosting/infra prices 😞

What is the most appropriate way of tracking web traffic?
I have my personal blog, made with Hugo and hosted on GitHub pages. Initially I did not turn on any kind of web tracking / web analytics, because I do not like tracking at all. But I want to make my blog better and to achieve it, I need a feedback loop about traffic. For example, what are the most popular publications, or how many people view my blog from mobile devices, etc. So, my question is, what is the most appropriate (ot the less evil) way to track a web traffic? An answer "there is no good way to do it without breaking user's privacy" is acceptable too, I did not decide yet turning on the analytics. Instead I'm interested in an opinion of the community. Thanks in advance!

Organic Maps is nice, but working with GPX files is still very terrible. It has no direct way to import GPX files created on desktop, you can only open them from the disk, and they will look very strange, not like routes but like a bookmark. But as I see, Magic Earth has even worse capabilities for GPX.