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Cake day: Feb 11, 2024


What I do here is analyzing the content of TheAnonymouseJoker’s posts. When I saw he say 98% Chinese people approve their government, it popped up in my brain today that TheAnonymouseJoker is separating disgusting “journalists” from a secure operating system. Then those “journalists” will get their device hacked by the Chinese government when they came to China. Is that right?

I might be in their room next month. But what they gain from kidnapping a 15 years old child from Viet Nam? I’m not Zhuge Liang. Reading Sun Tsu’s book and find out the reason why a joker jokes is not something special.

I dont know what you mean by privacy projects spreading dirty JS

They are using js in their websites

Don’t even read your reply, all I want to say is you are acting like what CIA, through whatever self-claimed civil society organizations or NGOs is doing to Viet Nam and China now.

Laugh on your “basic decency and criticism”.

then such projects/forks should be abolished to the valley of death

It seems these guys failed to abolish OpenBSD to death so they find an easier target: GrapheneOS. In fact, both project accept “inputs, basic decency and criticism”. OpenBSD have a friendly connection with FreeBSD. But the os is make for their developers, and they can ignore whatever wideopenbsd or isopenbsdsecure without having problem, they can have the user to read man pages without having problems. On the linux world drama is caused by having user to read faq themselves, and Micay failed to ignore the dramas.

Same for any such individuals like Micay who believe in witch hunting, cultism and silencing people.

Micay is just dumb when he stepped down for your pleasure.

I’m upset that GrapheneOS does not follow OpenBSD: ignore people likes you and work on any feature they want. On the 90s, the NetBSD core team expelled Theo de Raadt and revoked his access on the code which others could. On 2020s, you, not any core of GrapheneOS, trying to expell Micay from GrapheneOS’s project leader role. Like what cia is doing to Viet Nam and China.

You can’t blend in with a crowd of vanadium users with the amount of data points given away by the browser. Your fingerprint will be decernable from other users. Without actual anti-fingerprinting, which theoretical can allow for a crowd only when fingerprinting of user browsers results in the same fingerprint ID, the best you can hope to do is thwart naive fingerprinting. Vanadium doesn’t have any anti-fingerprint built in, so the slightest differences between user can be used to easily fingerprint. Vanadium

Anti-fingerprinting? By blocking javascript which the half-hearted privacy users can never afford? hahahahaha. Even privacy projects spread dirty javascripts.

(OP can ignore this comment)

I’m a bit upset that GrapheneOS does not follow OpenBSD: ignore any person hating it, ignore anyone who wants to interferes with project personnel and donations like usa is doing on Viet Nam like they are speaking for the Vietnamese, and don’t care if the feature works “for you” or not, just going on code improvements & maximally free code. And do whatever Micay want to do. Accept donations from whatever company. There’s so much dramas. But they already achieved over-detailed documentations. Focusing on unprivileged google play is the true path, since the demand on google play is much larger and other “private” apps repos are expected to work on the “privacy” people’s phone.

Maybe because GrapheneOS haven’t made any world-significant project that every companies depend on so that companies have to put so much money on the project.

It can also be used to extract metadata, which is used to attack someone in other ways or through other software or OS.

Threat model. Regular user aren’t attacked this way?

And those exploits are features in Chromium browsers.


Chromium sandboxing means nothing when it leaks so much data.

The attacker can’t gain access to the host with javascript.

A browser that support javascript but doesn’t have sandboxing might not leak these data but when their are bug in their js implementation, the attacker can gain more access to the host.

Also, security means nothing if privacy and anonymity are worse.

Security here is protection from exploits, bugs,…

the phone world is fucked. Use a landline phone :)

Chromium is inadequate and bad.

For a anonymous browser, but not for a secure browser. The paper is purely about privacy and anonymity. No security (sandboxing, mitigations) here.

Then why does the Tor Project choose Firefox over Chromium as its browser base? Chromium is incredibly insecure and full of holes. Post this wishy washy bullshit on reddit, not on Lemmy.

Because Tor browser’s goal is maximum anonymity and onion service. Firefox might be lag behind in security, but its code and features met the privacy requirements. Tor browser try to achieve some security by using noscript and block some web feature.

If this is the case, what makes Windows so much more vulnerable?

What the hell. They are same vulnerable.

Also, these days telegram is really at the state of a pile of garbage, bloated, buggy, and shady messenger.

Every messenger is.

I doubt whether “debloating” could reduce stability or not. I’ve never done that and have no intention to do it for my 88 year old grandfather’s windows. I’d have strict applocker rules on, though

Already happened in the EU, you must provide your fingerprint to get an ID

Yeah what the fuck is up with that?

You responded: “Yeah what the fuck is up with that?” when someone comment about EU doing the same thing. When EU do that, it is really normal and good and people benefit? But when China, or Viet Nam do that, they are violating human rights, being against democracy, etc…!!!

Again, are you paid by CIA for saying that? If not, account for your “Yeah what the fuck is up with that?”.

Kindly disconnect from tor and lets have a chat about it…

I currently don’t need to be anonymous, but tor is not blocked (EVEN ADOPTED BY COCCOC, A BROWSER THAT PARTICIPATED IN GOVERNMENT’S ANTI-SCAM PROJECT) and I can turn on whenever I want.

Yeah what the fuck is up with that?

The fuck is, if it is done by EU government it is so normal and good. But if it is done by any socialist government it show dictatorship and lack of freedom.

Are you paid by CIA?

I want to know what others government collect (both Europe and Asia)

And is the iris scan visible? I have just had my card, I don’t saw the polices do any iris scan.

If you dare to oppose the government, they’re taking you to the police station for questioning.

And that’s the same for other government. Dirty CIA propaganda.

Most are the guy who want to drive when they are drunk.

Old people know about those who oppose the government. I don’t believe you live in Vietnam.

My grandma (previously, a nurse) comment about people who oppose the government: “Cái bọn ấy thì cháu đừng dây vào chúng nó làm gì. Chúng nó ăn cơm nhà nước rồi lại quay ra nói xấu nhà nước.”

There’s basically no press freedom and internet freedom

We still worry day and night that young people are being pro-Western and pro-Chinese. Are you still saying that we don’t have internet freedom??

See the attitude of some people on voz (Điểm báo) whenever a police rescued a little girl.

There’s absolutely no free speech and free press, since free speech and free press are unrestricted speech and press, under no law, people there can say whatever they want. Even american don’t even have it, they just allow people to insult other by whatever sentence. Viet Nam is more restrictive: insulting others are not allowed.

Knowledgeable person actually understand the consequence of unrestricted freedom. They are educated. Not like anyone want to comment on other government’s policy without actually living in it and understand it.

About internet freedom: we already have it for years. Before 2018, anyone can set up a social media site if they want, but now they will need to register for it. That’s equivalent to the business law: if you want to set up a company, you must register what your company do.

You are only speaking for the CIA, which has no good intentions.

Do you live in Viet Nam? I thought foreign are mostly friendly and respect differences, but the people who live on other’s land aren’t. Those people are screaming for ambiguous “freedom” but blatantly violate that freedom.

They are better than those who cannot manage their own people.

Why there are so much VPNs here

How can you think it is a good practice.

Your data is valuable. And that’s exactly why you should keep it safe by using privacy-focused services.

Not by using privacy-focused services, but by not letting the data to reside on others’ hard disk.

Ads are harmless. The harmful things is JavaScript.

requires them to use their software

And their software doesn’t even have an option to display HTML messages as it is plain text messages.

Not because of an operating system. But the success of other operating systems.

The characteristic of violent revolution is to completely resolve it.

try enabling WASM (web assembly, hell!!). chromium in OpenBSD’s port also get “Unsupported browser” when WASM is not enabled.

There isn’t. Self hosting is the only way you can send email without giving your data. All email provider have your data, assuming there is a provider that is private is lying yourself. Even if they have some kilograms of privacy policy.

I’m curious what’s the advanced feature?

Only violent revolution solve this. Social democrats are useless.

Don’t sign up. Or better don’t be anonymous.