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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


With Pihole you can restrict or be permissive with different devices, based on MAC or IP address.

I had the same issue but it’s working again for me now.

Self-recharging? The world needs more of this mysterious technology.

That’s why I buy secondhand Pixels. You can normally get near-new quality if someone orders one as a gift and it’s the wrong colour, or they accidentally chose the wrong storage size, or something similar.

That way Google’s not getting my money.

“The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia.” ~ Malcolm Turnbul, former Australian PM.

Making it illegal only hampers those that follow the law.

Criminals, by definition, already don’t follow the law.

You Know How To Scare Me Shitless will redirect you to a random Nitter instance. Sometimes the instance is blocked, sometimes the random instance works.

It’s slowly getting worse, as is Twitter X in general, but that’s X for you.

Each message in the various rooms are encrypted individually with their own keys. These keys are derived from the session keys of the participants in each of the rooms. That’s a lot of keys.

If you wish to read these encrypted messages across multiple devices you’ll need to have the same keys on each of those devices ("sessions ") too.

One method to share the keys is for your sessions to “gossip” them between each other.

When you logout of a session, all its keys are deleted.

If you ever logged out of all your sessions at once, you’d lose access to all those keys and you’d never be able to decrypt your old messages again.

To mitigate that, you can create a key backup that is itself encrypted and stored on the server (Secure Backup). This allows you to download the stored keys from the server, restore them to your current device and rejoin the discussions again.

The Cross Signing process is the process used to authorise your new session and allows it to participate in the key-gossip function. By restoring the keys from the Secure Backup you’re implicitly signing-in your device and blessing it all at once.

(… as far as I understand it all. Someone with more in-depth knowledge will correct me, I’m sure)

Sonos. Ikea also do a cheaper version with the same internals as the Sonos systems.

There are already guides written by the authors of the bridges.

Yep. That’s what this scenario solves.

Beeper is indeed Matrix with a WA bridge.

I have a WA client app running in an Android Emulator that runs for 10 minutes once a week.

It’s only needed because WhatsApp wants you to use an official client, otherwise they invalidate any attached sessions.

It’s not needed for any actual technical reason.

Matrix with some bridges?

I use WhatsApp through it without using the official WA app.

Doh! I missed that. Apologies.

NextCloud for the self-hosting server stuff.

DAVx5 for the syncing to Android’s native calendars.

Any calendar app that uses the native Android calendars to view them. I’m using DigiCal.

I bridge WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal and Slack using Matrix.

Works extremely well for me.