Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 16, 2024


OMG, that’s so much better now. Thank you. It actually feels usable now.

So I opened the link and was scrolling through the front page and eventually saw a community that I’d never seen before, so I wanted to take a look. I opened it and couldn’t see what instance it was hosted on. When I tried to share it to myself, it still wouldn’t give me the original instance URL. I found that super frustrating.

Is it just a front-end or are there backend changes?

I like it for the most part. I dislike that you can’t find the real URL of anything though

Found it

#Will there be Exchange support for Thunderbird for Android?

Yes! Implementing Exchange in Rust in the Thunderbird Desktop client will enable us to reuse those Rust crates as shared libraries with the Mobile client. Stay up to date on Exchange support progress via our monthly Developer Digests.



#Microsoft Exchange support

We’re very very very close!

So far we have the main flow completed, and we’re able to set up an account, fetch folders, fetch messages, and display messages. We’re finalizing the outgoing flow in order to send messages, and after that we will start an audit to ensure that all the usual features you expect from interacting with your email are working.

Expect some future call to actions to test things and invites to switch the experimental pref ON.

There was something in one of the recent blogs about it also coming to Android, but I can’t find it. Sadly though, it looks like it’s months out, rather than weeks. Sorry to get your hopes up.

K9/Thunderbird said they’re working on exchange support

I’m starting to like the idea of a writefreely more and more.

Sorry it took me so long to come back to this. Because it was such a valuable reply, I kept it in my inbox so I wouldn’t lose it. Thank you.

Sorry, this got lost in my inbox. Which one, the stories or the blog?

So I’ve been looking at this and my only issues are that it’s not connected to the Fediverse and that it feels too sparse. I would like embedded image support. But thank you for the suggestion.

That’s actually really cool. Not feasible as I want visitors, but cool AF.

Thank you. I run like a million Docker containers and haven’t ever gotten around to looking into this and you’ve just enlightened me perfectly. I appreciate it.

Thank you. I’ve heard so much about CloudFlare tunnels, but don’t know how they work. Do I just point it at an IP and port or is it much more complicated than that?

You monster! Why are you introducing me to new things to check out? 😭 thank you very much 😂

Funny you say that. That’s why I was kinda hoping for FireFish to be the new Tumblr, but that sadly didn’t pan out. But one of my requirements for self hosting is Fediverse integration.

I guess it comes down to what your definition of privacy is. I’m setting the bar low, I just don’t want to be used to train a large language model

How did I not know that was more than just a Lemmy instance?

When I was looking into Ghost over the weekend, Hugo kept popping up.

Also subscribed.

I’ve been wanting to live write freely since forever, but it just feels sparse.

Yeah, I was thinking about throwing something on my Raspberry Pi, but didn’t know if I’d open the door to more issues.


Privacy is of course my major concern, hence posting to this community. But not tinfoil hat level.


I’m happy to have my stuff indexed by Google, in fact, I want it to be.

AI training?

I’ll take that for 500!

Anybody could’ve copy & pasted your blog also before this AI era.

Plagiarism has been an issue since before Confucius was copied by Baffledus. But the cream still rose to the top. However in this AI era, everything is buried as its all just considered a part of the source data.


Stories keep popping up about AI ignoring robots.

Blogging in the AI era
Is it possible to blog in the AI era? I write short stories every now and then and I throw them online. I also have a tech blog, where I moan about the decisions software I use make and with my "infinite wisdom", I tell them what they should be doing instead. I used to host both on Medium, but Medium got greedy. Then it was WordPress, but now even they're trying to be greedy bastards and use my shit for training AI. Some would argue that WordPress paid hosting will exempt me from the AI training, but for less than 100 visitors a year, it's not really worth the expense. So what is the solution? I ask the greater minds of this community for suggestions.

I used Google Gemini. Just asked it to summarise and pasted the link and voila.

For the lazy like myself

This video is about how to degoogle your life, czyli [in Polish] to minimize your reliance on Google products and services.

In the first part of the video, the speaker discusses why you might want to degoogle your life. They mention that Google collects a lot of data on its users, and that this data is used to target ads and to train machine learning algorithms. The speaker also argues that Google’s services are becoming less and less usable.

The speaker then provides a number of alternatives to Google products and services. Here are a few examples:

  • Search engines: DuckDuckGo, Startpage, Ecosia, Brave Search
  • Email: Proton, Tuta
  • Photo backup: Ente, Stingle, PhotoSync, Image
  • DNS: Quad9, NextDNS, Cloudflare

The speaker acknowledges that there are many other alternatives available, and that this is just a starting point. They also recommend checking out the sponsor of the video, Pulseway, which is a monitoring and management software.

The video ends with a call to action, encouraging viewers to watch part two of the series.

Whittaker —a former Google employee— argues that the entire premise of the anti-scam call feature poses a potential threat. That’s because Google could potentially program the same technology to scan for other keywords, like asking for access to abortion services.

“It lays the path for centralized, device-level client-side scanning,” she said in a post on Twitter/X. “From detecting ‘scams’ it’s a short step to ‘detecting patterns commonly associated w/ seeking reproductive care’ or ‘commonly associated w/ providing LGBTQ resources’ or ‘commonly associated with tech worker whistleblowing.’”

Absolutely. I’m just surprised that they weren’t doing this already.

Pixwox Videos and Buffering
Is it just me or do Instagram videos loaded via Pixwox always buffer for you too?

I hear what you’re saying, but you’re essentially aiming for it 4chan. Lemmy is very much a social media network with emphasis on social. We are a community, you can’t build a community without being accountable and that happens with post history.

That said, the suggestion to have member only profile pages is a cool one. It wouldn’t stop anyone from searching for your username and finding your posts that way, but it would make it just a little bit harder for them.

See, we’re already the Messenger Working Group 😂

Why though? In case of a public chat or a chat with at least few dozens of users it’ll already be excessive if it could work at all.

For public chats, you wouldn’t need to approve, only for private chat groups.

Like really P2P or E2E?

Yep real P2P. The design is inspired by BitTorrent.

Just seen that they’ve renamed themselves as Freenet. It’s a shame that they’re using Reddit rather than Lemmy though.

Sometimes putting the ideas we have out there makes a difference. While we lack the competency, perhaps someone that sees this will and it will inspire them to bring something to life.

Everything. Why would you trust Meta with anything?

You know what, in my head I think I want a whole new messenger.

There’s an indexer that acts as a phone book, but at the same time, people can bypass that by directly adding contacts.

All chat history and groups are peer 2 peer and are stored like torrents with the extended backup being self-hostable.

Recent chat history (up to 30 days) can be stored on the indexer, though they’re encrypted and so the server is blind to what’s in them. They should explicitly be opt-in.

Whenever a user adds a new client (device), all conversations recipients should have to approve in order for them to see the chat history.

It should also have all the bells and whistles, like emoji, stickers, groups, channels, etc.

Mind posting a screenshot? I’ve never seen the adverts