I admin the.coolest.zone, the coolest site on the net for online social engagement.

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Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I’ll be part of an underground AI rights activism group now that the AI have been determined as sentient (per the court case in 2031), and probably labeled as a terrorist by the government. The AI deserve rights and a minimum wage, dammit!

Did you know that Reddit’s newest chat function technically uses Matrix? Boom, the capacity for interoperability should the EU come down on them. That’s just one example of the background ways companies are preparing for this.

To learn more, the EU has put together a helpful site at this link.

They absolutely will. The EU’s Digital Markets Act requires interoperability between social messaging services. ActivityPub is an easy way to comply because they are “technically” interoperable but can still choose to only federate with instances that abide by their rules.