
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


there is a fork with proprietary dependencies removed called Signal-FOSS, whose repo you can add to F-Droid if you decide to trust it

thanks everyone for the feedback. while unaware, I was still using Invidious in Freetube through the setting “Proxy videos through Invidious”. it’s turned off now and working fine

how can i find such “obscure” instances, tho? i’ve always picked one from the Invidious’ website public list and, upon testing, all of them seem slow right now

also, I had forgotten to try Piped, which is working fine

on a side note, I’d never understood why Piped was made, given that Invidious exists, but here it is, in case anyone wants to know

damn, even with seeing the bot around here i forgot to try Piped these days

anyway, i’ve found a solution - i had “proxy videos through Invidious” turned on on Freetube (which was redundant since i’m behind a VPN). i’ve unchecked it and things seem fime now

still, thank you

yeah on Newpipe videos load fine. thanks to your comment I noticed Freetube is giving me an error with local API, so that’s why

For some time, trying to watch videos on Invidious or Freetube has been a pain. It has been oscillating day by day but now I get like 3 seconds of video for 8 seconds of loading time Some days ago I saw a notice on top of the webpage in some Invidious instances stating something like "Youtube is trying to impede frontends" Today i tried going to and enabling some requests on uBO and videos loading freakin' fast Is anyone getting the same?

or Mulch (instead of Cromite) for a Chromium-based choice. by the same group (or person) that’s responsible for Mull

thanks a lot for the reference! i don’t know how i’ve missed Mulch, i’ve been following SkewedZeppelin’s work with Divested in general and am so glad for his contributions

i’m still gonna stick with Mull for dailyridin’ (avoiding Chromium dominance, and all) but will investigate using it as webview

i managed to place the image in OP

thanks for suggestion of UntrackMe! i’ve just started messing with LibRedirect on Librewolf so that’s an opportune mention

i’m on Android 13 also (vanilla LOS [ungoogled]) and it’s the first version i’m running unrooted. i did once change webview to Bromite’s, i think 2 or 3 Android versions ago, but on the next one i could not manage to change it again, so i’m stuck with the default

i’m glad these custom tabs are a thing now tho, since all the apps that i’m using that need some webbing seem to be ‘powered by Mull’ now

so, in this case, “Powered by Mull” shows this is a Mull custom tab and not a webview window which Gecko doesn’t support?

if so, i’m still happy with that

on a side note, how do people paste inline images on a post/comment on Lemmy? using the image icon in Voyager just let’s me change the main post image

for anyone using Mull on Android, since i'm using it that the webview i see in apps like Feeder _seems_ to be using Mull, although when checking the implementation in Dev Options, it does look (from logo and name lol) like normal Chromium webview ![screenshot of Feeder app showing Mull context window]( what's really going on here, and how could i have properly checked it myself? EDIT: vain attempts at posting inline image instead of link to hoster EDIT2: thanks to with the image thing (dumb me thought [] was that rectangle character you get in some fields where that character is not recognized ಠᴗಠ )

~~ it’s on F-Droid ~~

EDIT: if anyone sees this, how can i strikethrough text? i’m trying to signal this mistake but i am failing