robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2022


have been on the internet since before you could even pay to have a dialup account.

It isn’t really that hard.

you are incredibly out of touch with the average person’s literacy on these matters.

what the fuck world do you live in where that take reflects reality?

*everybody *knows the TSA is bullshit that doesn’t help anything and yet nobody would dare suggest getting rid of it despite how deeply unpopular it is. Weed isn’t federally legal despite a majority of americans supporting decriminalization in some form. Universal healthcare is also >50% support and they won’t legislate it.

there are similar issues and cases in all liberal democracies, you understand nothing about how politics actually work.

which party do i vote for if i want antitrust suits brought against tech companies and which party is running candidates who know how to write hello world in any programming language?

look into why people just give up their privacy so easily ,

because we made it easy to use technology and nobody has time to be an expert in every field.

consumer boycotts aint shit. we need tech workers, some of the people with the least class consciousness and poorest ethics, to refuse to create and maintain surveillance tools.

unfortunately most people don’t know what a url is.

gui was a mistake, or something.