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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


I’ve been very happy with proton. I hear good things about mullvad as well.

Not an unreasonable thought, but my question is what is the process to disable? In your examples, there are legal steps/requirements to repossess those assets.

In this case I can’t imagine the process is longer than “press the brick button and extort money”

Any of you super coders in here know of a way to download the app ourselves and inject significant amounts of false data into it?

Does Jellyfin save your watched history using that set-up? That’s my main hangup to using Kodi.

I second zigbee. Fast, local control, with the added benefit of not clogging up your WiFi network.

I have a pihole and it’s great. Unfortunately it doesn’t do much against YouTube ads, as the ads are served from the same server that the videos are sent from. I still recommend it- it’s great for random banner ads and embedded trackers.

Ublock origin definitely still works tho… For now.

Seeing how easily extremism can come into political power, and minimize the chance of my data being used against me for some reason.

What does that run you? Is it more cost effective than a few dollars a month for a commercial service?

ProtonVPN. The VPN works great. I’d use some of their other services but they’re pretty restrictive unless you’re on more expensive plans than I’m on.