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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Oct 24, 2023


it now it’s under new management. Branch, a company that provides analytical data and metrics among other things, has acquired Nova Launcher.

Haha they don’t even have to try because normies doesn’t even care.

I’m not a fan of all the permissions it needs, I know they’re reasonably used for features but it basically requests all the permissions.

I’d love to see it being based on modules, install more functions as apps. Much easier to tweak permissions.

Everybody knows Facebook surveils, but seeing actual numbers is still newsworthy. Particularly when they’re catastrophically high.

Protect against what? People knowing you have Signal?

Yes. That’s my main issue. Maybe you don’t need to understand the reasons why I think it’s an issue to understand it’s an issue to me?

You can check that in the phone app too.

The fact that the same issue is present on all platforms doesn’t make it any better for those who oppose the method.

Would make sense, the only thing the numbers OP talks about seem to have in common is that they are random and have a Signal-account.

Thanks for the links, interesting reads. From what I gather, SFTP is the more modern and less complicated way of doing it…

Are you thinking about Diaspora? Friendica is AP, you can subscribe to Lemmy communities from Friendica.

It’s seemingly due to the Norwegian ban on targeted ads which recently was expanded to the EEC countries. Law professors here in Norway say it looks like it’s illegal and commentators liken it to extortion that will unproportionally affect low-income people.

So that’s something.

Nobody’s talking about the federated Friendica as an alternative though.

The clampdown is underway. If you don’t know how to mesh you’ll be gone in five years.

I’m not the biggest extension geek but I’ve been happy with uBlock Origin for years.

The default filters are usually fine, supports adding new external filter lists, allows one to add custom rules via GUI (block that element I’m clicking on), haven’t ever had an issue with YouTube ads and so on.

uBlog Origin and a Dark Reader-style are my two go-to"always extensions.

Privacy Badger became obsolete when they shifted away from learned blocking IMO.

AirVPN said they had a server raided in Canada back in 2015, a few weeks later Italian police contacted them to ask for help since the Toronto Police wasn’t able to find any logs.

But that’s only what AirVPN said, I’ve not seen any proof or docs or anything. And the way they disclosed it and then went silent on the matter is more than a bit odd… https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/56817-court-order-seizing-the-server/

Spotify doesn’t have podcasts and does not support podcasts either.

I just checked https://community.spotify.com/t5/Live-Ideas/All-Platforms-Podcasts-Add-Podcasts-from-RSS-URL-for-Patreon-and/idc-p/4868213#M187867 and it’s status is “Not Right Now”.

There’s even tutorials for how one submits a podcast feed to Spotify to have the stream converted from a podcast feed to a Spotify product.

If you want to call that a “podcast” I can’t stop you, but I do think you’re diluting the meaning of the word on behalf of corporate interests.

Edit: But you’re right regarding the probability that Spotify is targeting OP, somehow must have missed that - That’s why I made a distinction between the publisher and the platform in a different post since it was unclear to me.

Spotify isn’t a podcast app. As far as I know it doesn’t support adding podcasts. They offer a lot of audio releases on their closed platform, often identical to the podcast episodes I subscribe to. But it’s not a podcast app.

I won’t change my definition of what a podcast is just because some profit-hungry companies want to pervert the term to fit their closed ecosystems.

I use AntennaPod. It doesn’t work like that, assuming the ads is from the publisher and not injected by the podcast platform.

Does the old mantra still hold valid; “Please don’t use TOR for downloading”?

VPN does change the IP and thus what country one could recieve ads from. But if it is the subscriptions+IP that causes this like OP believes, it will not help. Only anonymize and offer the targeted ads in a different language.

But anonymity is still valuable in this situation as there won’t be any “personal” IP to connect it to.