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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


Oh I hate communities that use Telegram. I mean, sure, I guess there’s better privacy, but Telegram was just not built for that. Messages always get lost, and there are no channels, which means no info channel, so they have to try and cram everything into the description.

  • Better moderation tools
  • Easier to do voice/video channels
  • Easy to create your own server
  • Huge amount of useful bots created by the community
  • Features like replies, threads, onboarding screens, and custom emotes

Don’t get me wrong, I wish that we could use a FOSS platform instead of Discord, but 1: people are already using Discord and it’s hard to get everyone to switch platform, and 2: there is no comparable alternative right now

Droidify has an ignore all new versions button. And you can of course downgrade whenever you want.