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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


I’m glad I am on their older version. Their recent update was a shit show. They removed: sleep timer, queue management, access to music on a NAS… you know, all things I bought the product for. And then they’re announcing adding them back like it’s a good thing they’re doing. “We listened…!”

For starters, don’t use é anytime you say resume. It may be correct but it gives the impression that you’re pretentious. Resumes are all about a first impression and what you can do.

I think there’s a difference between “generic ads we show you to support our platform” and “we’re selling your data to other people to give us revenue, so you have to offset that loss”. The latter involves your privacy around data which is the target.

Ironically I used to use BO for actual system work…. And one time to prank the hell out of my worker by playing sounds remotely.

“Now the execution / collection would be a bitch”. That’s my point. It’s basically unenforceable as they would have to go after every federated instance on the internet, including knowing every single person that spun up their own instance, so basically this law would be pointless. It’s better leveraged against companies, not small individual entities, so good luck utilizing it.

And for any of those “processors” outside of the EU? Good luck. I could stand up a processor anywhere outside the EU, get all of the feed data and 1) good luck finding it, me, or where it’s at. And 2) removing it. There’s no centralized authority to fine.

Unless he gets a direct request he’s not bound by the requests other instances get. Which actually brings up something interesting. Because of the way the data is shared, someone wanting to delete data would have to contact all instances one by one which is function impossible.