I like to dig through trash.

I have a shitty website, feel free to take a look. https://raccoonden.moe/

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Oct 17, 2021


Same but with mint. I used arch when it didn’t have an install script, now I’m far too lazy for it. I’m not as experienced as other arch users or gentoo users but I could set my arch up no problems. Now I just don’t see the point, it’s not like my pc can’t handle some bloat.

Resources not being used are wasted resources so… may as well use them for quality of life.

If your laptop is on the potato side I would personally avoid kde, it’s much lighter now than it used to be but still heavier than other options. Mint looks good in my personal opinion and, again in my opinion, is a better alternative if compared to ubuntu, it’s based on it but with some improvements. The default flavor comes with cinnamon, but if your laptop struggles it’s also available with xfce, which even older machines should be able to handle.

IMO one should never recommend manjaro. To suggest an easy arch endeavouros should be the way to go, why? Because the manjaro devs make way too many mistakes and a mistake or two can happen to anyone, but when it happens often it becomes a pattern, one where I wouldn’t want someone to deal with if it can be avoided.