I know you can’t put a true price on privacy, but I can clearly state that this goes beyond reasonable pricing for me. $1800, plus $180/year in fees for bags/membership subscription. That’s a $3600 + battery and parts replacement investment over 10 years, and who’s to say the app/device firmware will be supported that whole time? The extended warranty is for two years. There doesn’t appear to be information on repairs outside of the warranty, which requires the subscription for 2 years for the extended warranty. This sounds like a disaster of a product from an ecological standpoint.
This goes way beyond that. According to the article, this would be the equivalent of getting identified to prove you’re a real person with an unmodified web browser (presumably Chromium-based) to enable a fully-controlled browsing experience.
The closest analogy I can come up with is it’s like creating a HOA for web content. Keep your web browsing experience “gated” so it is “untainted” by extensions that block ads and/or manipulate web pages. Google is trying to make it sound like it’s holding your hand and keeping you safe, but in reality is trying to put handcuffs on your web browser.
Just imagine what a website like YT would look like in 2035 without any ad blockers.