new account: doch nicht, vielleicht später

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 10, 2022


IDE and Terminal

Neovim is an program that runs in a terminal. You can use it to edit text files and through plugins it can become a fully fledged IDE. The site you linked actually tells you to install Neovim as a package in Termux.

To be clear: Neovim is not a Terminal Emulator. It is not even an Android App. It runs on Android in Termux (and probably other apps), but not on its own.

Termux is afaik the best Terminal Emulator for Android, it includes a package manager with a lot of Linux CLI utilities (like Neovim) available.

For Java there is an apparently fully Fledged IDE available in F-Droid. For Python I’d suggest installing python in Termux and developing and running python scripts from there.


I use Torrent Client. It works, but it hasn’t been updated in 2 years and I don’t know how secure it is. I mostly Torrent on my Linux Desktop PC.

E-Book Reader

I use KOReader which is more optimized for E-Readers, but it has a very clean UI and works great for me. It is also actively developed.

Signal is currently the best middleground between security, simplicity and widespread adoption.

but i don’t want to lose my ability to play minecraft

(yes i know about minetest)

“Dark Background and Light Text” is much faster than Dark Reader.

i can recommend adaway with root aswell. for a lot of ads on websites you still need uBlock tho

if you want a good Firefox based Browser for Mobile, try Mull

If you go to Settings->About Mull and click on the big Mull text at the top a few times, you enable the Debug Menu temporarily. Then you can add a custom add-on collection which allows you to install most addons. I for example have uBlock, “i still don’t care about cookies”, Stylus, “Dark Background and Light Text”, ClearURLs and CookieAutoDelete.

You can create an addon collection if you are logged in on

If anyone is interested, i recently developed my own system of defining my music library declaratively in the Nix programming language and started switching to it. It creates folders as playlists and can automatically download the music from YouTube or SoundCloud. I plan to expand and improve this further.

I doubt this will work on IOS tho, sorry OP.

Matrix (Element), Telegram and Signal

but most of it just got deleted

delete discord from your life, fuck them

(if that is not an option for you, i understand but can’t help unfortunately)

i did when they started to want my phone number

remember to use the GDPR to delete all your data, they need every message id from you for that, but with a bit of cat, grep and sed you can easily get that from a discord data package