• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


ao però ti devi calmare bro, ho semplicemente chiesto come la presenza dei truffatori sia colpa di telegram dio cristo

ok but, why don’t use telegram for this? scammers are everywhere but how is this telegram’s fault

and for suggestions? i want an homepage that welcomes me when i open the app, that says you could watch this or that, continue watching this or maybe u would like this other one

ye it’s like a social media that doesn’t spy on me and doesn’t have strange algos to feed me with shit. never used It as a chatting app

tg premium user here, WTF? i tought telegram was privacy respectfull and pretty secure, what changed/happened? that’s not the first post i saw abt It. also, any alternatives? with almost same features and as many channels/groups as telegram ofc like don’t suggest me signal or Matrix nobody Is on that platforms…

EDIT: lmao people Just downvoted me for asking… what a world

non-privacy services have more money=have more and probably better people to work on them=better quality

i guess ip address and running processes and hardware aren’t that little of a data to be tracked, but if u say that, I guess I can be chill. thank you 👍🏻

best solution i’ve seen so far, but ubuntu isn’t my distro, could I install arch without fucking everything up?

i have thinked to take a xiaomi pad 5 and install AwakeOs (a custom rom) is this a good idea?

i was thinking about a custom rom, but I don’t know which tablet has support for these. Is there like a Pixel Tablet?

is linux compatible with pens? and most important, is it usable enough? Like I used Ubuntu for 3 months, and ArcoLinux for like 5 months but i always ended up returning to Windows because I practically never did anything productive with Linux. U know i don’t want to spend money and don’t get any support

a want to buy a tablet to take notes at school
Basically title, but I don't want an iPad because of my "open source mindset" ik it sounds cringe but fr I hate Apple's philosophy and I don't want an iPhone to sync every shit. Also I'd like to have a tablet that doesn't all my data to some big corporation (like Xiaomi or Google), and I don't know where to start to find it. Do you have some tablets to suggest? Budget is around 300/400€. Thanks to everyone who will respond ✨