A genuine depiction of “Plague Sapiens”: a distinct form of human evolution, entirely erased from memory until it resurfaced from the infernal depths of space.

  • Fueled by artificial intelligence
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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Nov 09, 2023


Then you should really only consider mass surveillance via cameras as a “big” concern. I’m not much of a travel guy, cause being handicapped has it’s downside, but afaik there aren’t many cameras spread across Europe, mostly near/on main train stations, public transport and similar public places. Use a cap/hat and maybe sunglasses. I haven’t heard of any AI/biometrical real time/logging/analyzing being used in production yet (but it’s being discussed). Don’t use public wifi, get an anonymous simcard (roaming data esims for some crypto-dollars) and a GrapheneOS Pixel smartphone (use it only when needed). Pay by cash and be nice to other humans. And don’t think too much about stuff you can’t control! Don’t let you get mad and restrict your life too hard because of stupid politicians and governments xD

Have fun exploring Europe! Take a look at Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands. Poland and the Czech Republic are nice too, but it’s harder there to communicate in English IME.

oh: and as a drug user, usually prescribed opioids (no abuse, I need them and have a prescription), but (a)busing weed (got a script too, but usually buy from the dealer/vape HHC currently) and hallucinogens/“fun”-drugs (LSD, Shrooms and Special K), I only had problems in Germany because of THC (haven’t had a script at this time). But usually it’s OK to party, but don’t be too open about your use. Funniest moment was in Amsterdam. Some friends and me were sitting on a bench near a little garden, drinking beers and smoking some Js. When the police drove by, we first wanted to hide the Joint, but remembered ah, no public booze in Amsterdam, and had to hide our beers instead. It’s usually the other way round :P

I wouldn’t call him mental ill. Maybe he’s a small time crook, sells and smokes weed and has a little bit of paranoia.

Truth be told, in my criminal past (mostly online fraud, but some real life crime too), I have had similar thoughts. But hey, don’t do stupid shit in countries which you don’t know.

Depends on your threat model… What do you think could cause problems while traveling through Europe in your opinion?

https://github.com/GrapheneOS/PdfViewer I’m using GrapehneOS and the integrated PDF viewer. Can’t say of it works flawlessly on other Android OSes, but you could give it a try!

Why riskier? Keep a backup of the boot-image and you’re good. And do generally backups of files and devices. Haven’t had any issue for years with Win10/11 and VC. Win7 and TC/VC on the other hand was awful…

Linux and Luks full-disk-encryption for every system. Remotely unlockable via ssh. HDDs are unlocked via keyfiles which are on the fd-encrypted SSDs.

For windows you can use VeraCrypt (don’t use Bitlocker!).

For single files I usually use 7zip or Peazip with long passwords.

No browser has a VPN function, it’s just a proxy. You can use sth like Bitmask for a free VPN. Calyx Institute and RiseUP provide some free servers too.

Thats an older source, saw some newer on reddit last week. Try to find it. But nothing happened to our hacking hero xD

“newer”: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/02/missouri-governor-rebuffed-journalist-wont-be-prosecuted-for-viewing-html/

Yeah, found that out after posting xD

I think that criminals will try and get those certs. Do big time damage to the EU and hopefully stop them pushing such bullshit…

Yeah, I made the same mistake, ahahah.

Best decision would be joining the linux community. Took me lots of years to fully migrate to linux.

But for Windows:

  • Any LTSC version
  • Simplewall.exe
  • O&O shutup 10


  • Dns based adblocker like pihole with the oisd.nl big list
  • Using foss alternatives of proprietary software (Nextcloud, Libreoffice, Thunderbird, …)