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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I love the listicles feature. Not because I want to actually look at those results but because they’re all stripped out of the main search. Doing product research is so much better without all those low-quality “top whatever 2023” lists that take up the first 3 pages of google lol

There are a lot of options: Bitcoin & Bitcoin lightning via opennode + Paypal, Venmo, iDeal, giropay, & stripe.

Personally I converted some XMR to BTC then paid with that (using a single-use wallet)

Kagi at the moment. Just feels right to pay for incredibly useful services with money instead of privacy

By default just did a video (piped link) on this and I 100% agree with him. The killer feature is simplelogin. Being able to use a different alias email for every single account I use is absolutely amazing.

It’s probably not for marketing emails. They probably require login to disable account alerts. Imagine a threat actor gets access to your account, turns off transaction alerts so you aren’t notified, then transfers out all your crypto.

I’m certain the marketing emails don’t require login to unsubscribe.

It’s probably not for marketing emails. They probably require login to disable account alerts. Imagine a threat actor gets access to your account, turns of transaction alerts so you aren’t notified, then transfers out all your crypto.

I’m certain the marketing emails don’t require login to unsubscribe.

Probably an unpopular opinion - but I actually think requesting overriding 2fa is a big deal and companies shouldn’t do that lightly. If I had a lot of money in crypto I would sure hope the exchange would scrutinize a request to turn off 2fa. And if op had saved their backup words they wouldn’t have been in this situation.

Now requiring that to change an email subscription is not great, but again - turning off 2fa without the proper backup options should be difficult and scrutinized.

Not really. I disable camera access to most apps on my phone and in general I trust that. Never felt the need for a physical shutter.

I think if I was in an environment where I used my devices within eyeshot of others frequently I’d probably think about a privacy screen protector, but I typically have private places I can use my phone for sensitive things so I just try to be cognizant of my surroundings to prevent shoulder surfing

All depends on the threats you’re concerned about I guess