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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


SELinux: Tries doing a thing, didn’t work Spend eight hours trying various crap. setenforce 0 Works now Five minutes cussing 30 seconds googling how to set the context Works forever

Tries doing a thing…

One thing I have done more of, of late, is using an external drive plugged in to the fastest usb port I’ve got (thunderbolt, in my case), and installing Mint on there. I’ve got an NVME enclosure with Linux Mint Debian Edition on it, and it has a USB A or C cable, so I can boot into it from several different computers. It’s also great for rescuing files off of non-booting Windows machines. You take a bit of a speed hit, but it’s not as bad as you’d think, and it fits in my pocket. (Good party trick, too.)