the track was inspired by the pie

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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Feb 14, 2024


I actually am planning on installing an android alternative, but I do not know which OS supports my redmi 13C. I also fear the loss warranty because editing/changing/modding/rooting the stock system makes the warranty void. I mean my phone’s still new, bought it somewhere near the end of January this year.

Yeah so they could suggest me a 50 cent toothpaste made out of mud and wood

I do expect such stuff… but collecting so many categories of data in such a stubborn and aggressive way makes me wanna stop using anything that’s google-related. like dude stop looking at everything I do in my life. what’s next? how many liters of toothpaste I consumed in the past 3 days?

Google’s really stubborn in terms of data collection
Just enabled DDG's app track protection to test it out. Had Nekogram opened for a few mins, and Google already made 234 data collection attempts. I know the Big Guys are hungry for personal data, but this is absolutely ridiculous. ![](