A few years ago I started purposely parking as far away as possible at work, partly because I was tired of the whole dumb process of circling around looking for a good parking space and partly I was wanting to walk more. It’s been kind of liberating. Instead of trying to sift through a sea of cars to find that empty diamond space in the rough, I’m awash in empty spaces as far as the eye can see everywhere I go. At some places, it’s almost like I’ve gotten my own dedicated parking space.
Yeah, I found out about that after I had started, thinking I had figured something out on my own. I was like, “Oh, I guess people already do this thing and it even has a name.” My approach to it has been to have regular routines that I rarely deviate from, almost as if it’s a responsibility or something I have to do. I try to take as much personal choice out of the matter, because I know otherwise I can rationalize excuses for not doing it (“You’ve already walked alot this week, you can take it easy…”).