• 1 Post
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


Eternity is great and there’s a work in progress to add multicommunity support.

Also just like Infinity enabling amoled theme makes it look a whole lot more modern.

First I wrote on live chat support. After they couldn’t help me, I sent the email.

…and it’s not the email alone I’m mad at (maybe a little) but the overall experience I had with them. After explaining my issue I was told multiple times they couldn’t do anything and the best suggestion I got was “you could create another account”, that’s not helpful. What am I supposed to do, just leave the old one to die slowly and forgotten?

It allows 3 guesses, but I don’t know how often they reset. I’m pretty sure the account was created after September 2019, but that’s still a lot of possibilities.

If only I had that. It’s not reasonable to assume someone would know that or will hold onto emails about account creation.

Thanks nevertheless.

That’s just how it is. If you try hard enough everything can be spoofed. You can also try guessing someone’s password and creation date of an account. This is not the issue here.

As mentioned in another reply:

I’m writing from the email associated with the account, this is enough for most services I encountered

Not the answer I was hoping for, but still a good one. I’ll try contacting someone who might be interested in this.

In the mean time I sent them another email specifically mentioning this as a request and not me just asking for help.

I’m writing from the email associated with the account, this is enough for most services I encountered

I wanted to delete my old oppo id account, and to do that I'll need to login into it, but I don't know the password. Password reset requires saying when the account was created (month and year) and "tech support" can't help here either. Is it legal to block / hide account deletion behind login in European countries? GDPR (and polish RODO) both talk about a right to data deletion, which in this case, I believe, isn't respected.

There’s also this thing: https://fcast.org/

I haven’t tried it, but it looks promising.

Oh, and it’s also MIT licensed, unlike another FUTO project.

Unless the bootloader is already unlocked you won’t be able to root without a factory reset first. It’s a security feature, though an annoying one.