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  • 2 Posts
Joined 2M ago
Cake day: May 10, 2024


It’s a BIOS thing and it worked! Thank you! :3

turning on resizable BAR

Can you please explain what you mean by that? ^ ^’

OW2 crashing on Arch
Does anyone know why OW2 may be crashing on Arch? I thought it was just me, but I went to protondb and saw more reports. The only solutions I found from historical crashing non-Arch related was for nVidia users, but I'm on AMD. Any clue why it may be? And, more importantly, what the solution may be? It crashes shortly after starting if that helps. https://www.protondb.com/app/2357570

Some people report issues https://www.protondb.com/app/386360 but Smite 2 is releasing next month. I assume it will work on Linux, so I plan to give it a go.

Linux-only (ex-)LOL players: what did you swap to after Vanguard landed?
I tried DOTA2 but don't like it. I'd probably start playing HOTS again if they put it on Steam without Battlenet (OW2 doesn't open Battlenet on Steam). I am playing Gigantic.