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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Nov 01, 2023


You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.

You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.

You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.

If I just would have known it earlier.

It was quite the surprise when boarding the return flight without having to show any baoarding passes.