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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Does your car lock up outside of cell coverage? I’m not suggesting removing the radios themselves, just the antennas. To the car, it will just always be out of range.

The antenna used for talking to the keys might cause trouble, but those are either inherently short range inductive systems or are receivable using a 20$ RTL SDR to verify it’s not sending anything else.

Should be quite easy to remove any WiFi/cellular/satellite antennas from the car’s computer. (Might be trace/chip antennas, so make sure to get those). If you’re extra paranoid, get the GPS antenna too, so it can’t simply record data indefinitely.

Might take a few hours to go through the car to make sure you get everything, but you won’t be limited to super old cars.

You people realize that most crypto is even less private? Every transaction ever can be viewed by everyone, forever, by design.

Sure, a crypto wallet might not have your name on it when created, but good luck buying or selling any without giving away your identity.

These services, like most companies will store your data indefinitly, and can be hacked. You cound end up with your name, what ever infromation the service gave you, and contact info on the internet. This is not the end of the world, but something to be aware of.

It pings out to google constantly regardless of where you are. You should be able remove it with adb, or use an app like NetGuard to block it from acessing the internet.

Most malware is writen for Windows, but Linux malware exists, and has been found in the wild. The most common infection method, like with windows is running a trojan, theoretically things like browser exploits could also be used, but these are unlikely unless you are a high profile target like a head of state or CEO.

I would personaly be much more worried about someone evesdropping through my microphone. All they would get from my camera is my face and some glances of the room my computer is in, but my microphone would reveal all sorts of private conversations.

I am perfectly fine with providing training data for AI, and have actually spent hours contributing to various projects. However, it is super scummy for a company to collect and use sensitive user data (literally a keylogger) not only without any form of communication or consent, but where the only way to opt out is to pay.

There is a lot of other fun stuff you can do with RF, some people even found a way to spy on keystrokes by sending microwaves at an unmodified PS/2 keyboard cable.

All content on Lemmy are public by design, you can collect any data by just connecting to any instance, they don’t need a full on federated instance. Threads changes nothing as far as privacy is concerning. Don’t post anything you don’t want to be spread all over the internet, with no way to remove it.

Calibre is great, and works with a load of formats, have some old .lit files from 2000? They work just fine.

At least they don not make you find the 10 tiny, low contrast, confusingly worded buttons to opt out, I hope.