I ran from Reddit, it be like that

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Bunch of funkturd wankers are lying through their hole-ridden stinking teeth! Their whole goddamn business model is based on profiling. They know exactly who what where when why with whom for fuck’s sake.

You mean RFC1918 private addresses? I guess they keep it at hand but it’s not really interesting to them. Almost all “client side” internet connections are behind a NAT connection, where private addresses are only unique to the router. So while your public address is unique to you, your inside address is only unique inside your LAN. Your neighbour will have the same address inside, but a different one outside, say

It was a command to the slaves using their services: “Don’t be evil.(We will know and judge)”

Google Search gives me nothing but trash these days. Poisoned by SEO and advertisements, while DDG often gives me at least real results.

Profiling and tracking do not - I repeat - do not serve your convenience. Showing you ads that you are likely interested in means a higher chance to sell you things you don’t want. Mixing in private messages etc and feed it into an LLM will result in extremely targeted advertising with highly convincing content.

This is apparently default IG behaviour. The accounts I’m following is almost completely work related (I have no clue why anyone would use it for that, but Linkedin is apparently a hookup site now so meh), but every bloody time I open Search, it’s swimsuits all the way down.