Travelling the Fediverse one stone at a time.
Mainly @nickb333, this one is for mbin/lemmy.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2024


I did check that out and their web page. It says

When it’s needed for the website to work properly, it will automatically accept the cookie policy for you (sometimes it will accept all and sometimes only necessary cookie categories, depending on what’s easier to do)

So maybe I’ll test it alongside Ublock.

I’m going to take this one away, create a new FF profile and configure. That way I can compare results with my original profile.

There is Easylist Ads (currently enabled) and EasyList/uBO – Cookie Notices (disabled) should I enable this?

It’s something I should research more then.

As far as laws go, I’m in the UK and AFIAK privacy laws are still the same as before we left the EU. Other countries such as the US seem to have less strict laws (apart from the CCPA) which means a lot of US news sites I visit will geoblock me as they don’t want to comply with EU standards.

What does Ublock Origin do with cookies?
I have been using Firefox with Ublock Origin as my main browser for a long while. Usually when I get a privacy prompt, I reject cookies, or maybe some sites that are more difficult take me a to a panel that wants me to switch off loads of individual trackers. How does Ublock handle the cookies? Obviously some are required for site functionality, such as being logged in here, but if I accept cookies (or can't reject them) then presumably they are still accepted? Or does it accept the essential ones and delete third-party trackers?

I watched the movie “Enemy of the State” the other day. It was released in 1998, but it was a true prediction of the future.

+1 for Organic Maps. Just back from a road trip, used OSM via a browser, this is much better.