20s ADHDer, lesbian, 🌱, she/her

Certified Zoomer.

I use Arch (btw)

Master of jack, trades of all none—or however that saying goes, I don’t remember.


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


You’re not alone. This isn’t normal and you’re not crazy for not wanting to be spied on just for making the mistake of going outside and walking past someone’s house.

The setting works, it’s just that you have to muck around with overlays or rooting the device for it to see/use other webviews

I managed to use this to get mulch webview working


No root required, it uses an overlay.

Galaxy S10 w/ lineageos. Recently reflashed it and I didn’t bother installing google apps this time around as stock lineage does exactly what I need it to do. The battery life savings have been insane, def recommend going without gplay if you can. Also makes an older phone much more viable