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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


I’ll have to defer to your experience; I’ve set it up on a PC, a NAS and a phone. The phone was connected to an ethernet-equipped dock at the time of setup so the sync was quick and painless.

I don’t see a hit on battery life on a Fairphone 4 running /e/OS after initial sync has completed.

I’ve found Syncthing a better way to handle file sync than NextCloud. Much more set and forget and not a single point of failure. It also syncs a notes directory in flat .md format, so anything can edit them, in a simple directory hierarchy.


There you go. Just so you know, you could’ve Googled this instead of making a pedantic ass of yourself.

The network effect is a powerful force. If you want to talk to loved ones (or more and more, businesses) you are forced to use this platform, which hands inordinate amounts of power to the likes of Meta or other proprietary platforms that only ever have their own interests at heart.

I refuse to bind myself to proprietary platforms that I have no way to leave without insurmountable switching costs. Behaving this way is not without personal cost: It is more difficult to talk to me for others which annoys them or discourages them from trying. It also makes me look like a pedantic ass on platforms like these (although my phrasing there probably doesn’t help I admit).

There are plenty of privacy and freedom respecting platforms that allow interoperability and I think it is better to use those rather than adding my bit to the network effect that makes WhatsApp the de facto standard, strengthening it further.

In this case one of two parties must join a new platform. Either they join a privacy respecting one or they can call/text. If they can’t respect that boundary further communication will not be required.

Not sure I agree.

Yes, your password manager is a single point of failure this way. But I would argue any non-SMS based TOTP is better than none, so if a higher percentage of people use it the easy way instead of not at all I consider that a win.

After all, you would still not only need the password but also access to the manager which technically is more than one factor.

I have one that runs this OS, pretty well I think. What was wrong with yours?

European here, I did use WA until Meta (Facebook back then) bought it. Then I typed up a copypasta that said something like:

Because Facebook is buying WhatsApp, I am leaving the platform. You can reach me on these apps: [Link to installer for Signal] [Link to installer for Telegram]

I have since set up a Matrix server that puppets for Telegram so I don’t have the actual client installed anywhere.

Yes you do, because websites will filter out devices that can’t be remotely attested. You will be locked out of the commercial web.