Drew Got No Clue

B.S. Biology; M.S. in Bioinformatics. ❤️ tech, FOSS, Lana Del Rey, Linux, Fedora, KDE, but also ARM MacBooks & iOS.

Good @ Python, forced to use R, learning Rust.

🎮 Prey (2017), Bioshock, Portal & Dead Space.

Bi, more into guys atm.


also ndr@beehaw.org

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Two things are at play here:

  1. Out of all the recommendations and ads, you only notice those who are actually relevant, so you’re biased.

  2. One would be surprised by how easy it is to predict interests and patterns based on very little information; there’s no need to spy all private conversations for that.

Was this accidentally posted on Lemmy from Mastodon because the community was tagged?

I really like the concept but I never managed to convince anyone in real life to use it with me. lmao

Edit: I’ve just realized this post is from 7 months ago; why did someone bump this now?

I share your sentiments, but to be fair security ≠ privacy. Some google products have very good security (sandboxing on Chrome is well done), despite the negative impact on privacy.