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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


What gets me really excited is the idea of messaging in low internet connectivity areas (aeroplanes (to someone else on the plane)) on the subway/underground

The idea of Bluetooth/WiFi direct mesh, with “internet gateway” devices (maybe those people are rewarded in some way)

In this dream of mine, people can communicate, send data, through non ideal internet conditions (maybe one person on an aeroplane has internet, and they are the gateway for others)

There may be some relay servers running on AWS or whatever, but people could also run their own relays (I guess all devices are a relay)

I’ve tried to get this working myself, using a library called “reticulum” I found in GitHub (good library, but I couldn’t get Bluetooth/WiFi mesh working)

I’m not seeing any WiFi direct/Bluetooth mesh capability with Simplex

It looks like a p2p messenger - which is cool, but that’s not what tickles my pickle

I think I tired Briar, but I either couldn’t get it working on android or on iOS

My mouth waters at the idea of decentralised, infrastructure-less, encrypted, p2p, mesh messaging

Thanks for pointing me towards Berty!