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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2024


U can obviously use asymmetric key cryptography someone sends their public key u encrypt with that then upload they then decrypt.

Who gives a fuck what the server was running when tested. Its not like large companies have ever designed software specifically designed to fool when being tested is it cough vw cough. Its worth something so its probs gonna be fine for the majority of people but never trust anythibg that isnt on hardware u control running verifiably open source code or e2e encrypted.

Cos i dont trust anything that says privacy but doesnt open source and provide reproducible builds.

Whats the link? I though peer tube comments where compatible with lemmy.

Wait are u so focused on being in opposition to my opinion that u are now claiming that you are doing what u tried to justify not doing 3 comments previouse?

So I’m just taking a look at the API documentation here:

I’m no genius or anything but to me this looks a whole lot like absolutely no content other than the moderator/admins message is being federated here so I see absolutely no reason why .ml refuses to federate these actions. Please explain how fucked content is being federated here cos its starting to sound like ur bullshitting reasons not to federate ur modlog.

So .ml ia broken and nobody has fixed if for months now? U expect me to believe this bullshit. Also pretty sure the modlog doesnt include any posted link just a link to the post which should now no longer exist. The only reason I can imagine fucked shit would be in the modlog was if the .ml moderators where posting it in the summary field themselves.

Thats photographic proof of .ml selectively federating the modlog to do all sorts of dodgy things such as hiding who committed what actions and generally trying to hide mod/admin abuse.

How are they blanking a replay to a comment just cos the comment being replied to is on .ml thats cooked is it cos ur banned or cos im banned or both or are they just morons and screwed it up?

I did some asking in the matrix prior to buying a google pixel and was pretty much told get a pixel or fuck off. There was one guy who gave actually helpful advice on other is options I had so i think its purely a community thing. Its unfortunate honestly i think any good faith criticism is an asset but unfortunatly the graphene community is too blind to see it that way.

I want criticism of it cos i want a better is that addresses said criticism I don’t see why some people can’t get that. Keep up the good work.

Why cant they get officially approved by google? Is it purely monopoly maintenance? Surly the eu will mark them as gatekeepers?

Still hate default firfox build u cant disable telemetry in about: config. Gotta go with librewolf.

I can’t use it for 80% I don’t even have house numbers on streets Ive added a whole bunch tho so I guess I’m making it better for the future. Idk where to even start with adding live traffic/public transport to it what language does it even use?

I don’t see any advantage over google unless its open source.

I’ve been trying to use osmand but it doesnt have public transport capabilities or live updates which is just too much its missing out on to switch for 100% of tasks

Can u just deny it internet and use it as a fat monitor?

They probably dont even need to do that odds are u will log into one of thwir services or visit a site with one of their trackers and they can just match fingerprints. Thats why google doesnt much care for 3rd partt cookies anymore they can fingerprint u without needing to use it.