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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Gonna need to know more. What method do you use to lock your phone? Is it rooted?

Also: did they return the phone to you, or to your friend? Could it be your friend who went through these apps?

Wow, that’s crazy! Hey, would you mind linking to a comment where someone says “Gas the Jews?” I can’t seem to find one.

Also, if you have time, can you link to an explainer for “trans ideology?” Is that like Caitlin Jenner (pro-Trump, anti-speed limit)? Or something else?

Hey just out of curiosity, can you give us one of these “wrong opinions”?

Yeah, IMHO (which is posted here, on a FOSS platform sustained by donations), I kinda think there’s a way to make this work

Any privacy-friendly shopping extensions?
I love extensions that help me save money, like Honey (for crowdsourced discount codes). But Honey sends all my data to PayPal, which means that I use it sparingly and only enable it when it's time to checkout. That's inconvenient. Are there any extensions like Honey (or Lolli) that are privacy-friendly?