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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2019


Source on that?

BTW here’s the state of western surveillance:

In a hidden, 2nd level of firmware ;) . Open source firmware is nice, but there aren’t many companies who put it out in the open, and not many people with the level of technical expertise required of low-level hardware engineers to create it.

So many privacy-focused tech-people have focused on software only, because its at least somewhere that they can make a positive contribution, but in all likelihood, something we can’t mess with, the hardware, has backdoors and spying. Everything from CPUs, radios, and even hard drives likely have backdoors.

There’s pretty much no way around that until we get competing non-western-owned hardware industries, which rn, only china and india are attempting.

Reddit’s not shy about doxxing pirates, so this unfortunately will probably happen.