catnash [she/her, ae/aer]


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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Feb 11, 2024


Maybe it wasn’t designed to be a purely technical review, then?

If someone using Brave gives him money and that money goes in to a homophobic lobby it would be better for consumers to know that so they can actually consent to that. Consumers deserve to make informed decisions about who to or who not to support.

Again, depending on your needs perhaps Logseq is fine. It seems that developers of each app (Logseq and Obsidian namely) have this expectation of how users want to use their apps but in my experience they are both configurable to use Tags, Folders or Links to organise content. This lets you take notes and organise in several ways.

Logseq is FOSS, Obsidian is not and is more popular (thus larger community plugins/themes ecosystem). That’s the main difference.

I would love for someone to walk me around what SN can do and walk someone around what Obsidian can do.

It’s not about the files, I’m very happy with files being local and easily synced and messed with. It is as you say, you create a folder which Obsidian reads as a “vault” and create .md files and folders in there, plus the hidden folders that let Obsidian organise plugins…

But I’m also not exclusively using it on Android, it’s my desktop driver for just about everything text. Especially please with the community plugins which make it extremely accessible for someone with additional needs when it comes to reading or writing, the recent improvements to tables and the plugins that integrate it with Pandoc and Zotero.

I was never able to replace what it was with anything except maybe Logseq, and even the Logseq couldn’t replace all of the functionality and theming. I tried living a few days in Logseq, just moving my vault there, but it didn’t work so well.

It’s not a major issue, I would like to move to FOSS but it’s not an emergency like moving away from Google is an emergency.

I regret I’m probably never escaping Obsidian. For a closed-source piece of software it has such a beautiful ecosystem of themes and plugins. I love to use it for writing my blog articles, and the mostly strict adherence to the markdown spec, the HTML rendering and plugins that add support for Pandoc (and Zotero)…

But by default I can’t seem to get Logseq in that space, even if I really want to, where I only organise files based on metadata and folders.

Eternity doesn’t render that fine and neither do any of the websites and frontends I’ve tried. It’s likely Raccoon in specific renders this as you intended, but it is in the markdown spec — that Lemmy mostly follows — that “strictly” two line breaks are needed to render one line break in HTML.

It isn’t very “what you see is what you get”…