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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 29, 2023


Yeah, that. I have no need for mobile syncing, but I believe loqseq provided syncing works via git

I use logseq for work notes and Obsidian for personal. Obsidian is more markdown which I like for my loose notes. logseq, on the other hand, is more focused on productivity and it’s fully opensource. Obsidian is only free for personal use, however their notes being closer to standart markdown means that they could be openned with any text editor and be just as functional.

Syncing between computers is easy – it’s just a git repo. Dealing with mobile is tricier but I never needed it so can’t comment much.

Dunno, it’s fine for me. As a messenging app it moslty gets out of my way and lets me communicate. It has all of the important functionality and creature comforts. Also, it already has some bloat (stories, whatever that crypto payment thing was/is). And the UI / UX is perfectly fine as is.

Although, as a dev myself, I hate UX work, it’s just boring and unfulfilling. I get why UX is often an afterthought. First it has to be functional, anything beyond that is secondary.

And that is the different premise for the social network.

You do have the equivalent choice here.

If you want Facebook, go to Facebook. It’s not worse or better it’s different.

Well Facebook is worse, but the reasons are corporate not design issues (it’s more complicated than that, but that’s beyond the point).

How is this conflicting? You are a private person same as I, I don’t know who you are, you don’t know who I am.

How is selective hiding of post and comments privacy?

If you don’t want it to be seen – don’t post it.

I’ve never been on Twitter. Besides Reddit I really disliked all other main platforms. So answering your question: I don’t care, it’s a different platform for different style of social media interactions.

the Internet is forever

My position has nothing to do with this sentiment. Internet forgets, and often.

I like federated nature of Lemmy, I like that there is no “private” accounts. This is a feature not a bug.

I’m not trying to argue against privacy, but what you are describing isn’t a privacy issue or an issue at all. It’s a design element. And it’s this design is why I like it here.

As someone here has said, at some point the responsibility has to fall on the user. You don’t need to share anything. As long as the nature of the platform is clear (and it’s a separate discussion) the is no issue to be fixed.

If to you that is seems as an issue, well then maybe you are at the wrong place. And if the platform changes in the direction I don’t agree, I will leave.

In this context, it’s an open public digital space. Noone is obligated share anything.

The part that is discussed as a privacy issue is a design element. It is by design post are visible to everyone, it is by design that comments are visible to everyone.

How is it a privacy issue when the user desides what to post for everyone to see?

If you are looking for a different design ideology then maybe you need a different social media platform.

How would you ensure other instances are not sharing your content?

To me this seems to be a question of ideology. I came here from Reddit because this is an open forum with transparent history.

Federetion by design ensures that accessibility (as far as I understand, correct me if I’m wrong). This design principle to me is the core. If that seems like an issue maybe this style of social media is not for you.

What you’re describing is an issue with all of social media. While your concerns are valid, I don’t see your arguments as privacy issue. I honestly prefer post and comment history being transparent and accessible. It’s much like Reddit and this format fits much better with an open forum style of platform.

Don’t post private information and it’s a non-issue.

Also, can’t you just delete posts and comments like on Reddit?