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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


Not even if Windows and Linux were on different partitions on the same disk would Windows be able to access the files on the Linux partition without the key.

Just pointing out that s separate disks doesn’t change anything. The data, in its encrypted form, will be inaccessible without the decryption key.

If you want to promote your position - and it may not please someone and that is normal in a democratic society - take responsibility. What are you afraid to say who you are?

While I understand the problems the propaganda machines of Russia and China (among other) causes, this here is some stupid shit

Try to criticize Putin openly while living in Russia, speak up for the freedom to love and have sex with whoever you want in Uganda or publish pictures of Muhammad as a dog and sign all of it with your name and see what will happen.

Anonymity is a double edged sword. While being “nice to have” in a democracy it’s a “must have” in a dictatorship.

Microsoft office has been able to open odt files since 2010.

Furthermore, LibreOffice does not always create/save files 100% compatible with MSO. I used to use Libre office because free. Word documents I have created/edited in LibreOffice were always a little broken layout wise when the document is opened in Word.

Whether it is because LibreOffice does a shitty job converting to docx when saving, Microsoft added in some anti competitor shit in Word or that the docx standard is vague is a discussion for another time.