When DMing me, remember that you have to trust both your server’s admin, as well as mine.

Please use the following age key to encrypt your message (and send me yours, so that I can reply).


  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Thanks for the heads-up.

Routing my Lemmy mobile app through orbot from now on. Seems to have fixed the issue.

The non-mainstream social media options will always be the ones with people with more extreme political views (on both sides of the spectrum).

Lemmy has a great deal of tankies. They seem less prominent now, because the influx of people from Reddit diluted them.

Perfect is the enemy of good.

Tried searching it using my searxng instance, and I can still find it (still indexed by duckduckgo, yahoo and Alexandria).

Don’t know if has been fixed, but I guess it’s an argument for using metasearch engines: get some redundancy, don’t rely on just one source.

Have you actually used age?

Unlike gpg, encryption of the private key is not default (or straightforward). It also doesn’t have a key management system

How do you manage age keys?
[age](https://github.com/FiloSottile/age) seems to be the new hot thing to encrypt data. However, when you generate a key pair, the private key just sits as a plaintext file on your computer. Maybe I'm too used to PGP, but this makes me a bit nervous. There doesn't see to be a key manager that allows you to pass in a key id with which you encrypt / decrypt. It's all done using the public key directly in the command line (for encrypting), or the plaintext private key file (to decrypt). Am I missing something? Is there a better / easier way to manage these private key files?