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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I don’t even know what a train is

They can and do associate cards with vehicles and use facial recognition. any attempt to circumvent the data harvesting is a waste of your time more than theirs … for loyalty point cards.

People in this thread seem to have base discount cards, which are perfectly fine to swap around a group but points cards tend to have a bulk discount that accumulates over time and swapping would be a very bad idea.

the internet wasn’t made by overlords you utter twat.

it was made by hippies that thought we didn’t need to lock our doors because everyone should live in harmony.

I believe they are talking about physical distance.

Take all the precautions regardless.

Thanks for reminding me to backup my emails locally and forward my gmail to proton, Good guy google.

I’ll probably just fix up my GS500 and run that until petrol is outlawed. Possibly the last fully mechanical motor vehicle ever sold.

something brilliant I’ve found with modern vinyl is a lot of them come with a download card so you can get lossless files.

now if they would just fucking advertise which ones that would be great.

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