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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


A wireless/ethernet router as access point, a personal proxy server, or pihole, between your devices and theirs. Or, if possible your own modem and router.

[ISP modem/router]<–LAN–>[personal wifi router]<wifi>[cheap pc proxy @ 192.168.x.x]<wifi>[all your devices]

Proxy could be ssh(socks5), tor, shadowsocks (not microsocks), dnscrypt, tinyproxy, nekobox, whatever. They’d all have the same internal address from the proxy (if set up that way) and then again one address from the router to their device. (Router and proxy order could be reversed : or just router for some basic device identity privacy - it doesn’t encrypt your data though. An encrypted proxy will. And tor or a VPN will mask your external ip) Some proxies/VPN are more secure than others.

And,RTFM. A bad configuration can be worse than no configuration.

There is none. This is a personal project. It has been long before brave. The source code is there. All previous results are there. All methods used are there. They make it well known their current employment.

Oh, did I mention you can run the same tests because the whole thing is OPEN SOURCE.?

Well, first, let’s stay on the topic of fact versus your possible issue of possible conflict.

K thx bye.

And yet the results are still fact and brave still isn’t the best.

They’re saying they don’t understand open source at all. They’re saying someone must stop the highly regarded and useful personal project they’ve been working on for years prior to being hired by evil corp (it is because Peter Thiel). They’re saying they don’t know how to read the results of the tests. Etc.

The source code is freely available for you to run all the tests yourself. On any browser you like.

Brave sucks. Peter Thiel can suck the corn out of my shit.

But, the tests and results are still accurate. *based on fresh install and no config changes. (FF can be hardened well beyond what’s shown)

As you can see in the results tor/mull/mullvad/librewolf are basically the best for all around privacy and security.

They’re all based on FF.

Ps: The guy was doing this long before he went to work at brave. (Maybe that’s why they hired him? Hmmm)


PS for all the haters of open source facts : Even librewolf references this site for browser testing.


Vivaldi is pretty and has some excellent features.

But it is one of the absolute worst when it comes to privacy.

Not that their privacy policy is horrible, but the browser leaks so much data by default it’s ridiculous.

Vivaldi also, by default, saves all your session data. All of it.

chrome://chrome-urls/ > vivaldi://sync-internals/

He’s also a big proponent of the destruction of Western systems, a “libertarian”, founded the right wing Stanford review, and, along with bff Elon (whom he described as a psychopath) have openly stated their goal to bring down the central banks and institute their own form of currency.

He also had a major hand in starting the silicon bank run.

Oh. And he’s an actual member of the Bilderberg group.

Peter Thiel is evil incarnate.