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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 05, 2022


@yogthos @RoundSparrow we can safely use computers and phones if they don’t have an internet connection.

@RoundSparrow @yogthos if the employee of a private company is selling data on his own behalf, he can get sued and prosecuted for misconduct. In the case of Snowden he did not do it for personal gains but to just report a crime. Also an entire planet is on his side. The US establishment has no chance.

@Tretiak i wonder when will they expand it to combat establishment dissent and free speech in general?

@nachtigall Ohh I can prove it very well, but not in a 500 characters limit. I’m also not going to do your homework for you. Living with ignorance is not going to solve anything. Labeling others gives you a false state of superiority.

Make the right choices in life before reaching the point where is going to be too late. I’m not going to have my kids complaining why I sat and did nothing.

@nachtigall Unfortunately, this is public info already: “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.” - WEF 2016

I wasn’t trying to give you an answer but determine you to Do Your Own Research.

@Pantherina :)) and I also shut down my google account completely. Together with this, replacing all google apps with more reputable alternatives. Let’s hope that a good alternative for GPlay Store is not far away.


@nachtigall Where do you think the human rights erosion trend started from? Suddenly most of the countries are pushing one way or another to censor free speech? India has already banned E2EE, UK, US and EU are currently trying to push it through the back doors but resistance is quickly building up.


@Veritas I’m guessing WEF puppets are infiltrated there as well.

@muad_dibber @knfrmity I think this statement does not apply to open source firmware. Where could the malware hide if everything is open?

@knfrmity @yogthos That list would be very short, if it would actually have any items.

@comfy Same like Intel ME is able to take full ownership of your computer without your approval or awareness. This can only happen due to the closed source firmware these devices are using. If I could electrically kill these components, or the possibility of having them removed, I would consider myself fully protected. Again, this approach might not be good for everyone. Maybe “full” is not the correct wording. I guess “ideal security and privacy” is what I was looking for.

@comfy The hardware approach has already surpassed most of androids due to their open firmware nature. In my scenario, let’s say I’m going to a protest and enforce my human rights upon the establishment. I turn off cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, BLE, NFC, UWB and just use my phone as a pocket computer to take video footage. Later I read a security article that the cellular modem in my phone is able to transmit data outside phone’s operating system.

@comfy in terms of software linux phones still have a long way to catch android. Even when taking the desktop flavors, against windows, linux is still not a match. Thanks for sharing that article. Is good to know exactly which are the areas where linux must improve.

@comfy @thursday_j GrapheneOS is the best flavour of Android that you can get with the downside that is limited to one single phone brand. But Android itself is far from being perfect. That’s when Linux phones step in. Currently they are just in development stage and not really intended as daily drivers. But that changes with adoption.

@comfy @thursday_j Indeed you need context, but let’s limit the concept of “full privacy and security” to things that are in your control. E.g you might control the physical safety of your device but you can’t control how many man-in-the-middle are between your phone and the rest of the internet. As a regular technology user my threat actors are big-tech and establishments.

@nachtigall @lemmyreader As already seen from the elections in Italy during covid, EU does not work for people anymore and now favors the people in power. Massive exits are now to be expected like frexit, itext, gexit etc.

@fluffery you can get a gym device that also produces energy when you work out on it. Solar panels on the roof or a mini wind turbine if you live in a house.

@Rickster @nutomic @cypherpunks Of course that I play my part in fighting corruption in the establishment. I recently switched every single device in my home to open source auditable software and literally use 0 services from GAFAM. The thing is: if we don’t buy or use their products they will become obsolete. Also by using open source software you can’t be illegally spied as they can’t have access to your data.

@Rickster @nutomic @cypherpunks I was just trying to bring some positive thoughts. Even in China the gvmt tried to crack down on protests by shutting down the internet in the area and the people used a mesh network to still be able to communicate.

@Rickster @nutomic @cypherpunks As harder some pathetic governments are doing it to have some privacy and stop cancel culture, as faster we evolve towards alternative communication tools.

They can control even the whole internet. We will ditch this service and use mesh networks. Without us paying for the internet, the service will become obsolete.

@Ephera @rhymepurple No. Privacy by option is worse than no privacy at all. Non technical people would install firefox because they read somewhere that it safe, but ultimately they would use it as it is thinking that is safe out of the box.

@yogthos Use librewolf browser and problem solved.

@AgreeableLandscape But wait. Amazon can access video footage from your house without permission?

@johndoee @ray so no hidden agenda you mean? Or was that sarcastic?

@ray why does the pathetic UK gvmt wants to listen my private conversations with my family?

@altair222 luckily, mobile Linux distributions are being polished as we speak. But it will take some time before they will have a good ecosystem.

@yogthos I think we will always have that option. Probably you will only not be able to go for the high end devices while seeking full access to your own device, your own property.

PS: No wonder why Linux phones are getting a lot of momentum lately.

@yogthos @ThreeHopsAhead as long as you stick to windows or linux on your computer and degoogled android on your phone that won’t be possible.


@SteleTrovilo @lemmyreader it might’ve not necessarily been a bad faith argument. I would expect that very few people would see and understand the connection.

My explanation is a bit misleading as the lack of privacy in people’s lives didn’t led to the pandemic directly. The bad actors only used the personal data accumulated over the years to deploy the pandemic. They knew exactly when to bring the problem, what restrictions to put in place to benefit only them and when to sell the solution.


@onlooker @OptimusPrime but you can make things hard for big tech by using degoogled phones, open-wrt/dd-wrt routers and Linux computers.


@OptimusPrime because i didn’t cared enough in the past and it led to a pandemic upon us. Now I have to care to prevent the next pandemic from happening.