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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Not having an insta isn’t weird or what turned her off - being fucking creepy and weird about it then lying is what turned her off… Jesus

Being active on a social network is not the same as having a social life - meet people, make friends, and make an effort to reach out to them. THAT’s having a social life

SMS support - signal went from being a one stop shop for messaging to yet another standalone messaging app that suffers from a lack of network effect unlike its competitors. The all in one approach was it’s single greatest asset in getting people onto the platform.

There were desires to open up the platform prior, now it almost entirely forces you onto Signal exclusively and any discussion of other clients is expressely forbidden in its official support channels AND in it’s unofficial (yet run by foundation members) channels like it’s reddit sub

And yes, hopping on a shitty bandwagon of features its competitors have is a massive waste of dev hours and indicative of its downward trajectory

I feel since she took over, Signal has been on a steady downward trajectory. Increasing the barriers to use, more centralization instead of federation, and the stupid fucking Stories feature.

I’d imagine the pulseaudio approach would suffer from lag and inability to sync between devices. That’s something that seemingly only Google and Sonos have solved (collaboratively at that - part of the source of the drama between the two in court).

I’d argue that’s the move even if you are planning on doing robust automation - it just means all you have to do is spin up frigate or double-take or whatever and then integrate that with Home Assistant or Node-Red or whatever automation platform you’d like