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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


They are not OK with 2 euro per user. This is just to get people used to using paid versions for dirt cheap before they accumulate solid subscription count. After they they will either remove this family plan or make it more restrictive/expensive just like Netflix started to do

I wouldn’t survive using internet without those and gdpr, cookie blockers. It’s soooo bad and getting worse.

I assume those don’t have any sound but it’s still annoying af. Sometimes I just pause to see something. Hopefully adblocks will be able to handle this.

Messenger is implementing signal protocol for interoperability, you can read this in their blog post

No, they have 6 more months to finish this still. EU granted them more time to finish this API because they filled for extension and provided them reasons why. All other DMA clauses regarding messenger other than interoperability are not included in this extension

It is measurable difference, but it’s only 0.3% more of battery life compared to dark gray. This is very good article about this: https://www.xda-developers.com/amoled-black-vs-gray-dark-mode/

People kinda stopped implementing full black once they realized that battery savings between dark gray and black is negligible