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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 24, 2024


Thank you for further context. I would love to see this spread. Privacy in the US is like smoking in the 50’s, we all know, but no one cares because the cancer hasn’t metastasized yet.

Oh, I like this idea. 7 seas PAC, endorsed by anonymous,

“We want you to download cars!!!” as a slogan

cops are the next doopees of the market. All kinds of companies trying to become contractors with their dystopian surveillance products. Shit doesn’t work, the companies lie that it does then refuses any kind of oversight. The cops don’t care as long as they can brutalize people. Unfounded justification is plenty for these blue line bandits. Not like Geogroup or corecivic give a shit if people are guilty or not so long as they get paid to lock them up. 500k people are locked up in the US simply for being poor as is.