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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


It’s not a Linux distro. It is an opensource reimplementation of the NT kernel and Win32 userspace.

I could see it being useful, if you have a Windows application that runs on ReactOS and you want to save licensing costs (especially if you think of large scale deployments) or it doesn’t run on newer Windows versions, but you still want a supported operating system. It is also useful, if you rely on Windows drivers for the hardware, as they should work just fine on ReactOS.

You could also use it as a baseline for your own NT OS, e. g. to compete with Microsoft (if you’re brave enough …). Or you could set up container clusters with an NT base, if you develop container tools for it. :D

I actually wanted to use it once for a VM, but my application didn’t run on ReactOS.

I think we miss out on the true potential, because development is just way too slow and there is no release cycle, upgrade path or guaranteed updates at the moment.

Interesting! I have actually never used Snapchat, so I haven’t come across this.

That’s true. Luckily I removed Google Search Fixer from my browser this week, as I finally gave up on Google search (hopefully this time it’s permanent).

In my opinion its results have been getting so bad (including boolean searches) in the last months that I feel that other search engines don’t provide a significantly worse experience anymore. I was unable to find content on Google that I know I found there before and where I know that it’s still on the internet, as I was able to find it with other search engines. I actually found that for example Bing gave me much more results when filtering by date range, e. g. searching for web content dated before 2005.

Google’s web DRM project was the final straw for me to finally be serious about trying other search engines again (all my previous attempts eventually failed due to my boolean search requirement) and use as little Google services as possible. I have also tried to lower my usage of YouTube over the last couple of months by primarily subscribing to channels I know from YouTube on PeerTube and by using the Piped frontend more. Since I subscribed to YouTube channels via RSS already, it wasn’t difficult to switch the RSS feed over to PeerTube instead. ;)

Most websites? Haven’t come across one yet (I am using Firefox on all devices and don’t have any other browser installed) … Do you have any examples?