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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Apr 03, 2024


I am sure you are trying to be funny, but I am serious. They won’t let me reproduce in the US.

I am not gay or bi. I don’t like men. When priests molest little boys (or the FD and PD for that matter; I have verified the convictions) or men get anally raped in prisons (or by the Chicago PD or IDF: also fact) are you still pro-gay?

Fascists use gay to be homophobic against straights. There are violent and abusive gay men. This clown f-ed little boys and young men —> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne_Gacy

Unfortunately, Tinder doesn’t work and that is helpful to get in touch with the ladies. That app is too hell bent on location data which GOS handles more privately.

NFC should work, it is just scheduled to be deactivated after 3 months if not used for security reasons.

I think GOS is very user friendly and has many positive privacy and security enhancements. I would like to see if they can surpass sandboxed Google Play and officially support other repositories and updaters like Accrescent. Also, a standard way of securing traffic beyond encrypted DNS would be good such as a tor client like Orbot.

Looking into the Veilid ecosystem might also be a source for further development ideas.

Don’t use Discord. That is a major vector for attack. Seen it happen myself.

Even Sandboxed Google Play has problems.

I don’t think there is any equivalent of Graphene for Mac hardware. With Pegasus and Predator software around, phones are very hard to secure.

Rely on tor browser and torrifying where you can with Orbot (Guardian Project).

Instead of Telegram, how about Signal and Briar? We just heard about how Telegram’s executive got hit and may now have to bow to pressure. Signal has kept its design integrity as far as we know.

Minimal apps are better than many to reduce attack surface. Maybe try accessing some of those services on other devices instead of on your personal tracking device.

I thought these stills from Paglen recent CCC talk were pretty funny.

Autonomy Cube Technical Design
https://paglen.studio/2020/04/09/autonomy-cube/ Does anyone know what the technical design model of this project might entail? Its last iteration was a tor exit node, which is straightforward enough, but how would you design a gateway router accessible via WiFi that would direct all traffic over tor? This is not idea. The client (or full OS like TAILS or Whonix) is ideal and many common sites block tor (like this one). There must be a design for combining proxies with tor to get this AP to work practically for conventional use, as it seems to be advertised. Maybe early on, before tor got blocked so much, it did work as simply as it sounds. Has anyone read the book or theories that inspired this work? Probably perfect for this community. I want to see if I can get a hold of a copy.