For rich fuckers who can afford specialized individual service, sure. For poor fucks dancing to the Bee Gees every day of their miserable lives, not in the least bit.
The more generalized and mass produced service, the shittier quality it provides. Anything the poor can afford just ain’t worth its price.
You’re mistaken about one thing. We appreciate your support. But you’re just that, the support! We’re the main attraction, baby!
When the world opens their eyes, we’re the first thing they see! You though? You’re in the dark. The world sleeps while you work. Nobody there to see you.
We love you, but don’t go thinking you can steal the show. You’re the black hole to our star dust! The gears to our merry-go-round! The fertilizer that makes us flowers bloom! We’re the stars and you’re the staff, so go low and make us glow!