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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Also one other great example is GPS. Just like SELinux it is very well understood and open.

Yeah. I have mostly switched to I2P for the seeding aspect.

I love mulvad. Very unfortunate they hat to stop providing portforwards

What you can do is setup a VPN to your home at least. From their it is the same as you always would.

I have gotten the exact same response word for word.

Often gets blocked. I tried on my work and you can’t use any other browser.

What I did is use a ssh tunnel and rdp over that. ssh and RDP are both build in to windows. VPNs often don’t work because some software needs to be installed.

You are able to force devices to use a specified DNS. even when they have hard coded DNS in them. Your router/firewall must be able to support redirection of network traffic though.

As far as I know you can factory reset the device from the boot menu. So no login is required.