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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Literally just after talking about how people are spouting confident misinformation on another thread I see this one.

Twitter: Twitter retains minimal EXIF data, primarily focusing on technical details, such as the camera model. GPS data is generally stripped.

Yes, this is a privacy thing, we strip the EXIF data. As long as you’re not also adding location to your Tweet (which is optional) then there’s no location data associated with the Tweet or the media.

People replying to a Twitter thread with photos are automatically having the location data stripped.

God, I can’t wait for LLMs to automate calling out well intentioned total BS in every single comment on social media eventually. It’s increasing at a worrying pace.

This is BS. It’s a 3rd rate marketing group trying to game SEO for lead gen.

Go ahead and contact them, claiming to be a prospective client with a few hundred (insert niche retail or service here) stores and that you’re interested in their product.

At best they’ll end up revealing they have a SDK or some crap to do the active listening in your own app if you have one.

If this were real, more than this company would be doing it, and you’d see actual case studies around it.

Also, it’s 1000% not legal in half the US states given two party consent wiretapping laws unless the users are agreeing to it in some way, which again brings us back to that at best this is some shoddy SDK (and unlikely even that).

Edit: Looking at it closer and given the way it isn’t linked at all from elsewhere and is a one off mention of the services, I’m actually wondering if this was an April Fool’s page that they just never took down. It’s pretty funny if that, especially given the ridiculousness of a lot of the buzz word heavy language in the bullet points. Like the idea that they are actively listening to the voice data and then having AI analyze the purchase history of the users to then cross attribute ROI using your “tracking pixel” is hilarious.

Even just one of those steps is such a pie in the sky claim even for most billion dollar agencies.

What if that already happened eons ago and you’re currently stuck in a digital twin of Earth circa 2023 reconstructed as best some future AI was able to from the memes the original jsdz left behind?